Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 4 - Drawbacks

I hate drawbacks, just as I'm regaining control of my life, they hit me in the face:

Woke up at 5.30 AM with terrible abdominal cramping. So bad I just wanted to shout and cry. I didn't. Instead I managed to ease the pain and returned to sleep at 6.30. The alarm rang at 11.30. so I did 30 minutes of light therapy, had breakfast and drove to the friend I was talking about yesterday.  On the road I had my first disappointment of the day (if the cramping doesn't count). A car from a gardener that was riding in front of me lost some dirt which made lots of small chips in the windshield. It damaged the paint of the bonnet as well. I saved the telephone number of the company in my phone and started dialing insurance when I reached my friends place. This was not very nice for her, but it had to be done. Actually I hated it even more: I don't want to handle fuss like this with my current state of mind. I was so stressed out I was sweating and couldn't state the number of my licence plate. I just forgot it. And this phone call is just the beginning: it continues with writing letters and giving the car to the garage for one day for a valuation of the damages. I don't like all this, and I also dislike communicating with the other party, cause they didn't respond very nice to my first call. Overall an irritating event.

The second drawback hit me in the face when I looked at my planning for tomorrow. At 2 PM I have to meet the supervisor of my master thesis to receive my grade and suggestions for minor corrections before I hand it in in print. She also has to receive the grade from my internship. Here does the problem arise: I lost the slip containing the grade and approval of my internship. I went through all the papers I put in the trash yesterday to see if it was inthere. It wasn't. As a result I have to contact the supervisor of the internship again, which I hate, cause the man already thinks I lost control of my life and I should consider treatment. In addition to this, chances are he's allready on vacation. What a bummer.

The meeting with my friend was nice though....

UPDATE 2.13 AM: Found the slip of the internship, hidden between papers in a notebook. I'm glad I did not send an email to the supervisor yet ;-)
Happy again. A good starting point for sleep.... Bye bye

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