Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 13 - Packing for holiday

Got up around 11, did the light therapy again (as every day) and started getting my stuff ready for a short holiday (3 nights). I noticed I have neglected the laundry in the past weeks. I had to do 4 batches of washing to get rid of it all. I also had to do some shopping and returning a DVD before I could start packing my suitcase. It took me some time to gather the stuff I wanted to take with me but now everything is nice and tidy packed and the room is still reasonably clean.

I did experience some after-pains of the massage, especially in the legs near the buttocks and my chest aches if I touch it, even if I touch it very lightly. I was expecting much worse pain and trouble walking, so I'm happy.

Tomorrow I'll just have to add my showering products, get some fluid for my contact lensen at the opthomologist and do some vacuum cleaning. After that I'm ready for the holiday and my room will be waiting for me in a clean state untill I get back. That is a difference compared with earlier holidays, when the mess in my room would welcome me as I tried to put the suitcase in an open space on the floor.

I probably won't update the blog for a few days, unless I gather some important insights.
Please note that this blog is not intended as a diary, but as a documentation of my quest for a better life. I however, am tempted to write more about my daily activities, but if I'll do that, my blog will be spoiled with things that don't have to do anything with the subject. So that is why I don't post every day, cause not every day is an important addition to my journey.

See you soon,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a good trip!