Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 18

Got up at about 13:00. 
When I got out of bed I noticed a very heavy feeling in my limbs and stiffness in my muscles. This lasted the entire day. I also experienced some abdominal cramping but I didn't want to go to the toilet since my roommates were sitting in the kitchen close to the toilet. I didn't want to make embarrising toilet noises so I decided to go later in the day. This didn't work out. Therefore I experienced cramping the entire day and am constipated now. After a night of sleep, tomorrow it will probably be over.

I called my parents again. My mother answered the phone. She told me she had a bad sleep (like I expected). I told her this made me feel like I couldn't talk about any negative issues with her, since it would destroy her sleep. She told me not to worry about that, but this is just her being polite, it does not solve the problem.

I did remove some clutter today: I calculated the costs of the holiday so I could split them with my friend and I also did some emailing.

Bye for now,

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