Friday, July 11, 2008

Day 1 - Starting point

I handed in my master thesis for the study of psychology 2 weeks ago. Next week on Tuesday I will get the grade and after some minor corrections I have to hand it in in print. After that, I will have a few months of vacation before I need to find a way of income. So far so
Not really, the pressure of the study in combination with the load of my internship in which I had to give group therapy sessions for 3 months left me with burn-out like symptoms.
I lack energy, I keep forgetting what people told me, get irritated easily and have depressed moods sometimes. That is briefly how my mental status is at the moment.

OK, other important factors which are influencing my life in a negative way:

  • Tidiness: Room is a mess. See for yourself...
  • Organisation: A lot of paperwork needs to be organised, letters to be sent, etc.
  • Planning: This needs to be made for the upcoming months and perhaps even some long term life-planning

  • Lack of proper regularity and rhythm: I go to bed at 4 or 5 AM and sleep until 1 or 2 PM
  • Smoking, I tried to quit earlier but switched to ultra light cigarettes (0.1 mg nicotine) instead (Philip Morris one) still a package a day, like I did with regular cigarettes (0.9 mg nicotine)
  • Alcohol (ab)use, about 6 bottles of beer a day, starting at 4 PM
  • I don't exercise, because of laziness but also because of the hernias
That's the list I've come up with so far.

This is what I did today.

I started light therapy with a ApolloLight P1 to get my circadian rhythm back on track. I did 30 minutes at 1 PM, I believe it's allready working, it's 1 AM now and I'm feeling tired, which normally does not occur untill 5 AM.
Tomorrow I will set the alarm clock at 11 AM and I will take 30 minutes of the blue light. I hope to wake up at 9 AM naturally in about 5 days of treatment.

I tried light therapy with this device in the past and I must say it works pretty well. But ofcourse, I will keep u posted on my current progress.

Ok, so tomorrow I will rise a little earlier then normal. My major goal for tomorrow is to clean up my room. I believe this is the first step to reclaiming grip of my life. I would probably think more straight in a tidy room and it will be easier to work there.
I will be happy even when I just started, cause I've been putting it off for a long time now.

That's it for today. See you tomorrow....

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