Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Day 19 - First day of exercise

Got up at 13.00 again, with stiffness in my muscles and joints.
After I had breakfast, did some emailing and went to the library to get a dvd, it was 5 PM. I decided I wanted to use my rowing ergo meter again to do some exercise. I was hoping it would relieve some of the stiffness. I noticed the pain in my leg and back was not present while rowing. In the past I've had difficulty using the left leg which would go together with pain in the left part of the lower-back. Of course this is because of the herniated discs. Today this pain was not present while rowing, which I believe is a good sign.
The rest of my body was aching a lot and muscles felt weak. I only managed to have an average power output of 60 watts with a heart rate of 145 over a period of 10 minutes. This is a bad power output for such an high heart rate.
In the past I would deliver at least 100 watts with this heart rate, and 100 watts still is a bad performance.
After rowing I felt weak and tired.
In the evening I had to book hotels with a friend of mine for an upcoming holiday. This was a stressy event and took longer then I had planned. So no DVD watching tonight.

Tomorrow my colleague which I gave the group therapy sessions with (see Day 1 - Starting point), is coming over for luch. He will be here at 13.00, so I have to get up earlier then I did the last couple of days. Let's set the alarm at 10.30 and go to bed now.

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