Sunday, September 28, 2008

Day 80 - New start

Hi There,
I'm back

I didn't feel like posting for a while but I want you to know that I will restart posting from now on. I've noticed it makes me feel more on track when I share what I'm up to with you guys.

The current situation: I've partyed a lot, returned home very late (around 8.00) sometimes and I drank a lot of beer. I've met interesting people but I also had to deal with some rejections in the field of love. Overall it was good, but I need to recover and regain some structure: The room is a mess, mails are piling up, energy is low and I get irritated easily.

The good news:
I still feel positive and I made some career plans. I decided I want to work for TV for a particular network. I've shared this idea with a lot of people in bars, and returned home with some interesting connections with people in the field. Today I got an idea for a new program. I will make a pilot of it and I will sent this with my cover letter.

In addition to this, in my "week of partying" I've bought a bunch of new clothes. I've added some more pieces to my collection in the weeks after, and I'm proud to say that I'm building a complete new wardrobe. I've also dyed my hair blonde. These things together with my new state of mind (positive and youthful) help to form my new identity: I feel like a changed man.

The plan:
A week of structure and discipline.
This includes: sleeping at normal times, cleaning up the room, drinking less, eating healthy and making plans for my new career/life.

I'll make the plan tomorrow.

See ya,

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