Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 28 - Overheated

I had a bad sleep of about 5 hours and I drove 1040 kilometers today. We left at 11.15 and arrived at 22.00 hours. I had only three 5 minute breaks and a 30 minute dinner break. It wasn't easy on the car. The outside temperatures of 32 degrees centigrade combined with the speed at which we drove left the car overheated multiple times. When we stopped for a rest, we couldn't start the car until it had cooled down. The starter engine jammed completely. Fortunately the outside temperatures will be lower then today the following days, so I expect less problems. Nevertheless, this issue needs to be fixed. I believe it's probably a clogged radiator or some mailfunction in the pump. Tomorrow I have to drive 657 km's. Sounds like an easy job, but the TomTom says it will take 8.24 hours. This slow speed of travelling is because of the type of the roads. I hope I will leave this hotel before 11.30, and will arrive at the hostel before 22.00. 

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