Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 43 - Partying

Vacation was ok but not great. It rained a lot and the driving was too much for such a short holiday: a one week stay at a cabin took 4400 km's of driving.

When I returned home I noticed a big party week was going on in the town I live in. It was organised by the student societies to welcome new students and to gain new members. This is done every year. I decided to participate completely in the partying. It gave me a lot of energy to meet all kinds of new people. I laughed a lot and had interesting conversations.  I slept 4 hours a day all week and slept even less yesterday, when I returned home at 7.40. 

I had to get up at 11 today to get to my Rolfing appointment (see Day 12 - Painful massage).
The massage was painful and emotional. There were spots that lead to vigorous crying. I had no idea why. They triggered no particular memory but just led to a wave of tears rising in me.
This crying subsided after a minute and returned a few times during the session.
Clearing of emotional blockages? Sensory overload? Whatever you believe. I don't care. I just know what happened, and cannot explain why it occurred, but afterwards I felt good and strong, and that is the only thing that is important.

But, as you all can imagine: I am completely exhausted at the moment due to the booze and the lack of proper sleep. 
Therefore I will go to bed early tonight, probably around 22.00.

Such a shame life doesn't consist of partying each night. That would be so great.
But there's nothing I can do about it, the party week is over and you cannot party all day forever. There are things that need to be done.

But I really miss it, allready.... 

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 28 - Overheated

I had a bad sleep of about 5 hours and I drove 1040 kilometers today. We left at 11.15 and arrived at 22.00 hours. I had only three 5 minute breaks and a 30 minute dinner break. It wasn't easy on the car. The outside temperatures of 32 degrees centigrade combined with the speed at which we drove left the car overheated multiple times. When we stopped for a rest, we couldn't start the car until it had cooled down. The starter engine jammed completely. Fortunately the outside temperatures will be lower then today the following days, so I expect less problems. Nevertheless, this issue needs to be fixed. I believe it's probably a clogged radiator or some mailfunction in the pump. Tomorrow I have to drive 657 km's. Sounds like an easy job, but the TomTom says it will take 8.24 hours. This slow speed of travelling is because of the type of the roads. I hope I will leave this hotel before 11.30, and will arrive at the hostel before 22.00. 

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 27 - Ready for holiday?

Stressy day, buying the last groceries, packing the bags and looking forward to a 12 hour drive tomorrow. I wasn't looking forward to this holiday very much, but now I can't wait to be there. I want to see what a week in a relaxed enviroment can bring me.
Hope to write tomorrow from my hotel.

Day 26 - Holiday number two is approaching

Hi All,

I had my birthday somewhere in the last days. It was a bit lonely and accompanied with some conflicts with my parents, which gave me a very negative mood. Today I met with a friend, which made my mood swing back to the positive. I am however still tired and have to pack all my stuff tomorrow for a 10 day during holiday. Thursday I'll be the driver that will travel about 1000 km's. It's a good idea if I just go to bed now so I'll be as rested as possible. I'll probably write some better content tomorrow, so see you then,


Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 22 - Painfree

Slept 12 hours, although I woke up naturally at 9 o clock. I decided just to kill the alarm and woke up again at 13.00. I was energetic the first hours after awakening but the tiredness kicked back in afterwards. I experienced no muscle pain or other body aches today and my mood was more positive than the past days. 

I dind't do anything usefull, but I believe I will be able to do so tomorrow.